How We Helped a Retail Energy Provider Increase Efficiency and Reduce Operating Costs

Driving Growth and Efficiency

Our client started as a start-up company to operate in the utility sector and provide its products and services to landlords, letting agents, and homeowners.

The Challenges

▸ Our client is inexperienced in establishing customer communication approaches across the customer journey.
▸ Their call center strategy failed to work on customer centric approaches with internal resource restrictions.
▸ They needed infrastructure to handle the customer demand.

Our Solutions

▸ We implemented IVR technology for payment reminders.
▸ Also, provided a skilled team to improve their customer services, including collection.
▸ Multi-channel support was also established for our client, including IVR-based surveys, collection services, and meter read services.
▸ Consultative approach to identify pain points and implement effective strategies.

The Outcomes

▸ Eliminated 12,000 online chats yearly, saving 13 minutes per customer.
▸ Collection improved by 87% with 20% customer base growth.
▸ 82% customer satisfaction in post-call surveys.

Since 1955, Bill Gosling Outsourcing has partnered with numerous clients to provide customer communication solutions. We are specialized in ensuring business growth without compromising outstanding customer experience and quality services.

Let’s walk together on the rocky trail of this competitive business world to meet the end goals.

Download this case study to learn more about how we helped an energy provider increase efficiency and reduce operating costs.

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